May 07, 2008

H2.2 KISS -- Keep the Interface Stupidly Simple

Here's another in my little list of hypothesies, this one from the set known as "Divide and Conquer." The delay in publishing them is partly the cost of preparing the HTML and partly that some of them really need a good editorial whipping. Today's is sparked by this comment made by Dan, at least as attributed by Jon:

... you can make a secure system either by making it so simple you know it's secure, or so complex that no one can find an exploit.
allegedly Dan Geer, as reported by Jon Callas.

#2.2 KISS

In the military, KISS stands for keep it simple, stupid because soldiers are dumb by design (it is very hard to be smart when being shot at). Crypto often borrows from the military, but we always need to change a bit. In this case, KISS stands for

Keep the Interface Stupidly Simple.

When you divide your protocol into parts, KISS tells you that even a programmer should find every part easy to understand. This is more than fortiutous, it is intentional, because the body programmer is your target audience. Remember that your hackers have to also understand all the other elements of good programming and systems building, so their attention span will be limited to around 1% of their knowledge space.

A good example of this is a block cipher. A smart programmer can take a paper definition of a secret-key cipher or a hash algorithm and code it up in a weekend, and know he has got it right.

Why is this? Three reasons:

  • The interface is simple enough. There's a secret key, there's a block of input, and there's a block of output. Each is generally defined as a series of bits, 128 being common these days. What else is there to say?
  • There is a set of numbers at the bottom of that paper description that provides test inputs and outputs. You can use those numbers to show basic correctness.
  • The characteristic of cryptography algorithms is that they are designed to screw up fast and furiously. Wrong numbers will 'avalanche' through the internals and break everything. Which means, to your good fortune, you only need a very small amount of testing to show you got it very right.

An excellent protocol example of a simple interface is SSL. No matter what you think of the internals of the protocol or the security claims, the interface is designed to exactly mirror the interface to TCP. Hence the name, Secure Socket Layer. An inspired choice! The importance of this is primarily the easy understanding achieved by a large body of programmers who understand the metaphor of a stream.

Posted by iang at May 7, 2008 08:39 AM | TrackBack

Less is more (secure)

Complexity is the enemy of security. Simple systems are inherently more secure than complex solutions. We see this idea validated again and again in security.

Unfortunately, our IT systems are getting more and more complex as we depend on technology to fuel business growth and innovation. But do we really need to expose ourselves to ever-increasing complexity? Surely, in security, less is more.

Posted by: Less is more (secure) at May 28, 2008 09:17 AM
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