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Listed below are links to weblogs that reference 'Do security breaches drop the share value?' from Financial Cryptography.
More on Do Security Breaches Matter?
Excerpt: In responding to a question I asked yesterday, Ian Grigg writes: In this case, I think the market is responding to the unknown. In other words, fear. It has long been observed that once a cost is understood, it becomes...
Weblog: Emergent Chaos
Tracked: January 26, 2005 01:13 PM
IT propaganda
Excerpt: Via The Carnival of the Capitalists, I found a series of posts (Thinking WiKID Thoughts, Emergent Chaos, Financial Cryptography 1, Financial Cryptography 2) about a study on
Weblog: CEO Blogger
Tracked: February 2, 2005 10:57 PM
CEOBlogger on "IT Propaganda"
Excerpt: There's a new blog, from a fellow claiming to be the CEO of a public company, experimenting with blogging. Welcome! In his second post, he responds to the WikID Thoughts, Emergent Chaos, Financial Crypto series on IT breaches, calling...
Weblog: Emergent Chaos
Tracked: February 2, 2005 10:57 PM
MT::App::Trackback=HASH(0x5633d10c7260) Subroutine MT::Blog::SUPER::site_url redefined at /home/iang/www/fc/cgi-bin/mt/lib/MT/ line 125.